Madison Public Library is offering free seeds and gardening talks at many locations again this year! See for more details.
Upcoming Events in this Series
What is compost and how can I use it in my yard? Why should I compost? What are the benefits of composting? Can I make my own compost? A certified Master Gardener Volunteer will answer these…
What is compost and how can I use it in my yard? Why should I compost? What are the benefits of composting? Can I make my own compost? A certified Master Gardener Volunteer will answer these…
There’s a lot to do in the garden in fall! A number of jobs can be done in fall to save you time and headaches in spring. Learn about a variety of tasks that will help you put the garden and lawn…
Past Events in this Series
Community Gardens are unique shared spaces! If they are organically managed, they need cooperation and pro-active monitoring by everyone to be really successful. Like in nature, everything is…
Master Gardener Mary Collet will present a consumer guide to buying, growing and enjoying healthy houseplants. She will give you guidelines for potting and repotting houseplants, watering and…
Initially spurred by a lack of desire to mow or rake, Northside resident Alex Singer transformed his suburban yard over the past dozen plus years by replacing the turf grass with native forbs…
Container gardening has become a hot topic in recent years as more of us are living in condos and apartments and would like to garden. Also, as we age, gardening with containers allows us to…
Butterflies are wonderful visitors to our gardens, providing beauty as well as helpful pollination services. Learn what you can do to design your garden to support butterflies, both in their…
Many of our pollinators such as bees and butterflies have been in decline due to multiple reasons. 87% of all flowering plants depend on pollinators for their reproduction. This includes 35% of…
Do you get confused when people start talking about annual and perennial plants? Well, you are not alone. Mary Collet, a Dane County Extension Horticulture Volunteer, will help you take the…
Madison Public Library will be providing free seeds for community members at several locations again this year!
Now the library is looking for volunteers to help with the hard…
Have you tried vegetable gardening but had a disappointing outcome? Don’t give up! In this talk you will be introduced to the basics of successful vegetable gardening. A Dane County Extension…
What is compost and how can I use it in my yard? Why compost? What are the benefits of composting? Can I make my own compost? A Dane County Extension Horticulture Volunteer will answer these…