Spring Birding: The Wonder of Woodcocks

Each spring, American Woodcocks return to prairies to perform their iconic and elaborate courtship rituals. Join members of the Feminist Bird Club-Madison Chapter to look and listen for woodcocks as they perform their evening flight displays. Learn about what makes these shorebirds unique, discover where to find them, and get acquainted with their buzzy calls and flight display. This outing takes place near dusk, when woodcocks begin performing their evening "sky dance." This event is weather dependent. Binoculars will be provided for those interested, but this event does not require binoculars to enjoy these unique and wonderful birds!
Location and Parking: This event meets at Cherokee Marsh - North Unit. Park in the northernmost parking lot (Need directions? Click here).
Accessibility: Restrooms with flush toilets are available at the parking lot. The parking lot is a large gravel lot with accessible parking spaces available. This outing will take place on flat, wide trails that are a mix of grass and dirt. It will take place near dusk and it will be dark by the time we return to the parking area.
This event is weather-dependent. Participants will be notified in advance if inclement weather results in cancellation.
Space is limited for this event; registration is required. To register, click the link below or contact your local library for assistance. Registration opens two weeks prior to program date.
About the Presenter
The Feminist Bird Club is a birdwatching club dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC, and women to connect with the natural world. The Madison chapter was founded in 2019 and offers monthly outings that are open to everyone who supports their mission, no birding experience required!
Feminist Bird Club Outings