Upcoming Events in this Series
Starting garden plants from seed can be a rewarding activity. Maybe you’ve it tried a time or two and for you it was a frustrating activity. In this talk you will hear from a Dane…
This talk is the consumer guide to buying, growing and enjoying healthy houseplants. You will leave this talk with guidelines for potting and repotting houseplants, watering them and ways to keep…
This talk is the consumer guide to buying, growing and enjoying healthy houseplants. You will leave this talk with guidelines for potting and repotting houseplants, watering them and ways to…
Many of our pollinators such as bees and butterflies have been in decline due to multiple reasons. 87% of all flowering plants depend on pollinators for their reproduction. This…
Square-foot gardening has been around since the 1970’s. Mel Bartholomew wrote the original square-foot gardening book and now has a new version out which is just as popular as the first one. This…
Gardeners love summer. But as the old saying goes, “all good things must come to an end,” so too does the gardening season come to an end. You may ask yourself, “Now what should I do?”…
Past Events in this Series
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