Mental Wellness Workshop Series: Coping with Mental Illness: In-Person Event Signup

Mikyra McCann photo portrait

As we recover from the holiday season and set our intentions for the new year, it's the perfect time to focus on mental health and wellness. Multiple libraries have partnered with Nikyra McCann to offer a series of events this Spring. Registration is appreciated, but not required--drop-in attendees are welcome! This session includes exploration of the following topic: 

WEEK 2 Coping with Mental Illness: Everyone has encountered mental illness - either personally or vicariously through someone we know. Living with or assisting someone with navigating an ongoing or temporal state can be exhausting. This workshop promotes techniques to find coping mechanisms that work best for each individual attendee!

About the Presenter

Nikyra McCann is the Founder at Still Standing Enterprise LLC and Motivational Speaker who has been featured throughout the world. She specializes in inspirational workshops and seminars pertaining to mental health. We offer therapy through Art & Music for those who have experienced mental health circumstances. Still Standing Enterprise is the Home of Uniquely Beautiful Boutique. Nikyra sits on the Board of Directors for NAMI Dane County as well as Housing Initiatives. She also sits on the CCS Coordination Committee. Here at Still Standing Enterprise it is our hope that you continue to Smile!
Sequoya Library
Meeting Rooms A and B Combined