Vintage Valentine-making with Artist-in-Residence Grace Olson: In-Person Event Signup


As a group we will dive into the components of vintage valentines found and thrifted over time. Then we will some time to celebrate love by creating one-of-a-kind vintage-inspired valentines for your friends, lovers, family members or pets.

This workshop is a part of Family Reunion, the Bubbler Room Artist-in-Residence (Feb-May) with Grace Olson. 
Family Reunion is a space for reimagination and celebration of family in all the forms it can take. In this space, you are invited to take part in creative projects that explore the ways we all find, make, experience, and practice family. Grace's intention as a facilitator is to shed light on the unconventional and to encourage change toward more intentionality and interdependence. The wishing, making, tinkering, and pondering we do together will explore questions such as:

  • Who is in your lineage?
  • What stories/skills/heirlooms/artifacts/ways of being/ways of thinking do you wish to bring forward?
  • Where do you find a sense of home?
  • When does one “start a family”, and what does that mean?
  • How can we move towards building more loving and resilient family structures?
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