Holiday Journaling Workshop

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Join us for this writing, processing, and planning adventure. Give shape and definition to your holiday season before it arrives. This event is not holiday specific. All are welcome!

Using 2-3 different journaling techniques, you will determine what holiday traditions stay, and which ones will wrap up. Swap out the mindsets, attitudes, and traditions of the past that need an upgrade, and make space for the new and intentional!


Journalist Beth Turner leads this virtual journaling workshop on December 13th at 6:00 pm CST.


About the Presenter

Beth is a professionally trained and certified therapeutic writing facilitator and healing storytelling workshop/retreat leader. She has been sharing other peoples’ stories and her own for the last 30 years as an Emmy award-winning television anchor and reporter, a documentary filmmaker, and video production company owner. 


This event will be hosted virtually through Zoom; more information will be emailed to you upon registration. Zoom is a free video platform, and you can watch on a browser, through the free mobile app for ios(link is external) or android(link is external), or call in to participate by voice only.

System Wide
Event Registration
Max Signups: 26
# of Submissions: 19
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