Red Cross Blood Drive

Sequoya Red Cross blood drive

January is National Blood Donor Month! The Red Cross observes this as a time to celebrate our generous volunteer donors and to encourage others to join our lifesaving mission. The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a resolution to become a regular blood or platelet donor in 2023!

A pint of blood from you could be a gift of life for someone in need. Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS to learn more and make an appointment.

All who come to give Jan. 1-31 will automatically be entered for a chance to win an exciting trip for two to Super Bowl LVII in Phoenix! Includes travel, hotel, $500 gift card, pre-game activities and more! Terms apply; visit

The Red Cross encourages donors to answer screening questions on the day of their donation through Rapid Pass:

Schedule your appointment today!

Sequoya blood drives

Sequoya Library
Meeting Rooms A and B Combined
Event Registration
This event does not require registration.