ONLINE - Not Homeless Enough - Screening and Community Conversation


Since 2005, Diane Nilan has traveled the United States documenting the pervasive and underestimated problem of homelessness in our country.  Please join us for a screening of a short film, “Not Homeless Enough” created by Ms. Nilan, which features the story of 4 families in Madison and Dane County who experienced homelessness.  This film in particular highlights the struggle of living in doubled-up situations, or self-paying to live in a hotel and how it disqualifies these families for federal HUD homeless programs. 

Following the film, learn ways you can support these families in our community. 

This event will be hosted virtually through Zoom. The link to this program will be sent to you by email when you sign up. Zoom is a free video platform, and you can watch on a browser, or through the free mobile app for ios or android. You can also call in with a phone to attend with audio only. (in Spanish: Este evento se realizará virtualmente a través de Zoom. El enlace a este programa se le enviará por correo electrónico cuando se registre. También puede llamar por teléfono para participar)

Registration emails will be shared with our event partners, ___, and may be used to inform participants of similar events.  You have the option of opting out of these communications with those agencies by contacting the agency directly.

Sean Ottosen
System Wide
Event Registration
# of Submissions: 665
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