Book Writing Bootcamp


Have an idea for a book or poetry collection, but don't know how to get started? Maybe you are stuck on plot, pacing and/or character development? Or perhaps you have nearly finished your manuscript, but are unsure of when to have it edited or start pursuing publication (via the mainstream market or self-publishing)?

Make significant strides on finishing your book by joining a six-month intensive focused on writing exercises, reading, revising and learning the business side of publishing. You will be immersed in resources and develop relationships key to pursuing your writing aspirations while completing a first draft.

Participants will be assigned 2 to 3 diverse novels, essay collections or poetry books to read and discuss during monthly group meetings and 1-on-1 sessions with the intensive facilitator. The intensive will also include three or four published authors and publishing professionals as special guests (either in person or via Zoom).

Each session is focused on a theme:

  • Session 1 (September 21, 2022) Intros & Genres & Goal Mapping
  • Session 2 (October 19, 2022) The Art of Narrative
  • Session 3 (November 16, 2022) Character Development
  • Session 4 (December 21, 2022) Defining Audience 
  • Session 5 (January 18, 2023) Group Critique
  • Session 6 (February 22, 2023) The Business Side of Publishing & Wrap-Up

Registration is required for this 6-month bootcamp. When you sign up, you will have the opportunity to indicate if you are signing up for just the second session or the entire series. 



Thank you for your interest in Book Writing Bootcamp. The program is currently full but if you are interested in adding your name to a waitlist for Meadowridge please contact librarian Ariel R. at or fill out this Google Form.

Six Month Writing Intensive

Meadowridge Library
Study Room A
Event Registration
Max Signups: 5
# of Submissions: 2
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