ONLINE - Home Composting Basics
Participants will learn the basics of composting in their backyards. We'll cover the fundamental science of composting: how to compost both yard debris and food scraps. We will also provide tips for troubleshooting common composting problems. The requirements of the City of Madison’s backyard composting ordinance will also be covered as will available resources to assist home composters and plans for building compost bins.
This event will be hosted virtually through Zoom. The link to this program will be sent to you by email when you sign up. Zoom is a free video platform, and you can watch on a browser, or through the free mobile app for ios or android. You can also call in with a phone to attend with audio only.
About the presenter: George Dreckmann is the retired City of Madison Recycling Coordinator. He has taught home composting for over 25 years. He is an instructor with Dane County’s Master Composter program. He has composted at home for 40 years.