Wisconsin Book Festival Presents Emily Nemens for The Cactus League

Book Cover for The Cactus League by Emily Nemes

An explosive, character-driven odyssey through the world of baseball from Emily Nemens, the editor of The Paris Review. Jason Goodyear is the star outfielder for the Los Angeles Lions, stationed with the rest of his team in the punishingly hot Arizona desert for their annual spring training. Handsome, famous, and talented, Goodyear is nonetheless coming apart at the seams. And the coaches, writers, wives, girlfriends, petty criminals, and diehard fans following his every move are eager to find out why—as they hide secrets of their own. Emily Nemens will appear live on Crowdcast to discuss her newest book, The Cactus League, in conversation with Porter Shreve, UW Professor and author of The End of the BookJoin the event at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/wbf-cactus-league.

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