Spring Creativity Coaching Workshop Series

mixed media word

Small Group Coaching:

Do you have a creative project you are working on and would like consistent and constructive feedback? Join creativity coach Angela Johnson for a series of small group supportive coaching sessions. Topics will include group sharing, question prompts, suggested homework, time to work in session, and more.  Dream big! Your topic could include anything from fiber arts to creating a comic, from custom jam canning to designing a clothing label - the possibilities are wide!

Review from a past participant, "Creativity Coaching with Angela Johnson was a positive and uplifting experience. She helped me identify achievable artistic goals and how to clear roadblocks to achieving those goals. By meeting within a small group, we were able to gather strength and courage from each other...Angela is talented at helping artists define their goals, overcome sticking points, and prioritize their creative journey." -Deborah D

Limited to 8 participants, meeting over four sessions. This series is ideal for beginner to advanced crafters and creatives and is open to ages 16+. Each session is two hours; registrants should commit to attending all four. Session dates are Friday mornings: 4/5, [skip 4/12], 4/19, 4/26, & 5/3.  Registration required - sign up below!


Instructor Bio:

Angela Johnson is a professional artist, creativity coach and educator based in Wisconsin. She earned a master’s in Art Education, an MA in Art and an MFA with a focus in photography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her work includes themes of nature, balance, and telling stories through individual and collective memories. She often incorporates scientific elements and concepts into her work. Collaborations with other artists and scientists  energizes her creativity.

Johnson is a fixture in the Wisconsin arts scene, with 20+ years of experience maintaining public art studios, teaching workshops, facilitating programs, leading public art installations and lecturing at universities. She has worked in museums, elementary schools, senior centers, colleges and universities. She has inspired and helped people of every age — from toddlers to 95-year-olds — reaching far into the depths of their imagination to discover and channel their creativity. She also teaches workshops on mindfulness and yoga.

Johnson is passionate about helping people unleash their creativity. “There’s an artist in everyone; you may just not have discovered yours yet,” she says.

Her motto: Visualize, Create, Inspire. 

This Creativity Coaching series is made possible by generous funding from the Madison Public Library Foundation.

Angela Johnson Creativity Coaching

Pinney Studio Creativity Coaching Spring 2024

Pinney Library
Event Registration
Max Signups: 8
# of Submissions: 6
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