Felting Activity for Kids: Wool Blending and Bead Making

You may be familiar with blending paint to make new colors, but you can do the same with wool fiber. Stop by Sequoya Library kids area to learn how to make any color in the rainbow starting with red, yellow and blue wool. Add water and some hand rolling to make a felt bead to take home. All supplies are provided. This drop in activity is perfect for youngsters and available to kids of all ages though kids under seven will need an adult helper.
Instructor: Renée Dauplaise.
This activity coincides with the Artful Felt at the Library exhibit by the Madison Area Felters’ Guild, April 5 to May 30. Artful Felt at the Library is made possible with support from the Friends of Sequoya.
Artful Felt at Sequoya Library: Exhibit, Classes, and Demonstrations